Cryo Enterprise LLC Founder
Owner Of Cryo Enterprise LLC
IT Professional, Software Engineer, Entrepreneur, Business Owner
A Little Story About Me. Hope You Enjoy!
Let me start off the about me, by introducing myself. My name is Brandon, Founder of Cryo Enterprise LLC. I’ve been working with computers since the age of 14. Since that time, I’ve broken down computers (i.e. Desktop, Laptops, Cell Phones, and more). I’ve always had a strong passion for computers, electronics, technology and research. Thus, I have decided to make a career out of it.
It all started one afternoon when my mother bought a new computer. She set the computer up and had to get back to work. This was during the summer and I had nothing better to do. I’m sure you know where this is going, LOL!. Yep you guessed it, I took the whole computer apart piece by piece . I was amazed by all the parts it had. I wanted to learn more about what each part was and when put together, how they made the computer run.
By the time I realized what time it was my mom was about to be home from work. The first thing that popped into my head was. “Oh snap, I have to remember how to put all this back in the case.” lol! I preceded to reconnect everything. On the first attempt of plugging it back into the wall it did not blow up. “Whew, that was a relief.” “Only wait, I press the ‘power on button’ and no lights came on! Second thought, “I’m going to be in a world of trouble if i don’t get this fixed.”
Now I have even less time to complete the reassembly. Third thought, “I have a worldly reward waiting for me. As well as consequence for taking the computer apart in the first place!”. I quickly took the side shell off the desktop and scanned the entire working. Then i notice there was one particular connector that stood out to me. Little did i know it was the signal connector that tells the motherboard the power button has been pressed. Not knowing this I grabbed the wire. Then checked the board for matching pins that equaled the amount of pin wholes on the connector. At this time I heard a door close and foot steps so no time to test it.
The Avoid and Evade
I put the side shell back on. Then plugged the computer back in and returned it back to the exact location my mom placed it. Grabbed an ice cream ran to the living room and resumed watching TV like I been there all along. I was so nervous to see if the computer would work or not. She walked in, “Hey honey” she replied, “Hey mom, how about them cowboy’s?” I replied. Hearing this on the television five second prior to her arrival, LOL! I got a weird look as she asked me, “are you OK?”. I said, “It’s the ice cream don’t mind me!”. She went to the room pressed the power button on the computer and my eyes got big.
Then I heard a fan running and saw lights flashing. “DEEP EXHALE!” I thought to myself, “SAFE!” From that point on I remembered every component and their original location. After some time went by, I told my mom what I did. She was a little surprised at first because the computer cost her so much. But, things she didn’t understand herself, started to arise that she would need assistance with. “LOW AND BEHOLD!” I knew the answers to her problems because of my repeated adventures with that computer. Before long, she and other family members were coming to me to fix their computers. Thus perfecting my skills and giving rise to a passion for continued learning of this profession.
Shortly after high school, I decided to attend Devry University. In pursuit of a degree in Electronics, Computers and Technology in order to increase my knowledge base. While working on a team project I received a grade of unsatisfactory. The next project that came up everyone paired up with some one. But, there was no one left for me to pair up with. It was then that I decided I would complete this projects on my own to see how I would do. Surprisingly, all the teams ended up receiving a lower grade than i received. Working on this project and many others projects on my own produced a confidence in me. A confidence that saw me never give up, failure is a possibility but never be afraid to fail. Great success comes from repeated mistakes. You can’t really be living if you are not constantly pursuing your dreams. That how i feel about me.
Senior Year upon completing a project strictly based on knowledge gained through my major degree of study. I received an Outstanding Award for the Senior Project and a grade of ‘A’. It was then that I learned my potential and knew I could achieve more. Through Focus, Determination and a Willful Passion to succeed. Soon after, I received my Degree from Devry University in the field of Electronics, Computers and Technology. I went on to gain work experience for a few years and later became the Founder of Cryo Enterprise LLC.